66' Nova Project the front suspension
Suspension upgrade update Nov 2008-May 2009 The car now has:
Most everything went on
following instructions. Some pictures.

style rear sump pan. Lots of ground
clearance compared to the old notched-rear sump pan needed for stock

put the end of the
bolt facing connecting the sway bar out so as to never get close to
hitting the frame.

Trans cooler
from top, It still fits after
changing the front mounting brackets.

Clearance added to header. #3 pipe
adjustment (Before I added the extension) Sad, I know but I plan
on new headers
eventually. These have been through many changes and mock ups.
Picture taken from underneath the car.

I finally replaced these headers after I got the
steering column worked out. I will get some new pictures eventually.
Happy Motoring,
VHubbard. June 2009
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