For What Its Worth
Stewart Stage 2 Water Pump
Stewart Stage 2 Water Pump
I put in a Stewart Stage 2 water
pump. There is a noticeable difference. My temp gauge is
located in the passenger side head, toward the rear of the
engine. It would run 185-190 most of the time before. With
Stewart pump it now runs 175-180 most of the time.
Thermostat is the same and the fans work as they always
did. The pump is pushing the water through at a better
rate, even to the rear of the engine. More consistent temp and
cooling. Could this translate to more advance? I will
have to think about it.
Bolt warning. Make sure the fan bolts DO NOT bottom out on the
pump bearing or housing. The Stewart stage 2 pump has the cast
bearing support and bearing close to the hub. Not the big space
like the stock pumps. If the bolts protrude out of the backside
of the hub they could tear up the front of the pump. I am running
a pulley only. I had to get 5/16-24 3/4 inch long
bolts. (Not many places carry the grade 8).
With lock washer and a washer it was still close in my
case. I added a second lock washer. Test
fit the bolts without the fan belts on and make sure they don't hit and
the hub spins free.
This is a picture of a typical stock pump shaft. The large space
behind the hub does not exist on the Stewart pump. Also the cast
hub on the Stewart is a larger diameter.

Happy Motoring,
VHubbard. Nov 2009
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