For What Its Worth
A good 10si style alternator mount
for a Chevy II
I kept having
with various
mounts for the alternator. They
would wobble or bend over time. I also wanted a 100 amp alternator for
the fans and all the newer stuff I plan on installing one day. I
had a 12si style 95 amp mounted but the mount was bending and it
started dropping belts. I needed a good mount, for a Chevy
II. Problem is most SBC lower mounts are too low and run into the
cross member. Most are also designed for the 10si style
alternator. Since I have my Rack and Pinion bolted to it,
lowering the cross member is not a good idea.
I bought and
installed the Modern
Performance Classics
ChevyII lower
alternator mount. It
is for a 10si style alternators. Works great. There is
adjustment, but
not a lot. The right belt for me was 42". I think I have
stock size pulleys. I had to loosen the water pump pulley to get
the belt on. Then it adjusts well. It took about 1/2 to 2/3
of the adjustment travel.
For the alternator I was in a
hurry to
get the car running for Memorial
Day weekend and try to hold to a budget. There are a lot of
after market ones, pricey and often overrated. I remember an old
business close by. Hammond Bros in Garland TX. I went
in and asked if they had a 100 amp 10si alternator. He said come
back in an hour. I did and it was ready. Stock style, but
for $71 including core, it was a great deal I thought.. He said
it tested to a 120 amps. I know a lot of people that use
their rebuilds and they have done well.
He would not build a 140 amp
one, why? He didn't say, but I think getting 140 amps
out of a 10si style alternator is pushing it. I wouldn't count on
useful life being long at that output. Too much heat and
not a big enough body to dissipate the heat is my opinion.
cameras are great, this was taken with the engine running

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