Postwar Giraffe Car, 3376, 3386


The lionel Giraffe cars were plentiful, fun for kids but a bit of a problem to maintain.

The primary maintenance problem was the cam follower
The Cam follower  is often broken or cracked.   It stuck out and was easily snagged.   Many that are still available are fragile from age.   I was able to design a replacement that can be 3D printed.   I used PETG and .1mm layer height and 3 profiles.   The pivot pin fits in nicely and the serrated part of the pin holds it in.

Comparison of the original Cam Follower (Cracked and bent ) to the new 3D printed one on the right. 

3D cam follower

second comparison

With the 3D printed version I did not have concerns about draft angles.  Since there are hollow spaces in the 3D printed part I could make the re-enforced areas thicker without adding weight.  The 3D printed part acts like the old one and clears wheels and other areas as the original did.  The pivot pin and 2 circular end clips are re-used from the original.

3D print files Giraffe-follower  .stl and .step   I used PETG and .1mm layer heights for proper hole sizing and bottom radius detail.

Another problem is the cam follower spring. 3376-26 
Many of the springs broke or rusted.  Some cobbled together replacement springs but they may not work well.  If the spring is too stiff, it may overcome the spring on the CAM Plate assembly along side the track and not get full retraction.   The right spring is critical.  In this picture the spring is not correct.  It was before I could get the correct spring. 


Make sure the Giraffe bar is in good shape

Make sure the contact point on the Giraffe bar is smooth, no dents or catch points.

contact point.

The pivot bar should move freely in the Giraffe bar and the metal pin holders.  The pin can easily fall out when the shell is removed so be careful. There should also be a weight in the end of the bar, to cause the Giraffe to go up.   It is real easy to push the Giraffe down and lock it in place.   If the locking tab is about 1/3 of the way from the head.  If broken off, the head will not lock down.

The car itself may bee too light
The car tends to rock side to side.  With the Cam Plate on one side of the track, it may rock sideways going over and not get full retraction.   Light cars usually need weight added when heavier cars follow it.   I added 2oz of weights to help stabilize the car and keep it on the track in a long train.  Make sure you do not block the screws that hold the body on and make sure all the mechanisms clear the weights.
Weights added
My Mods for the Giraffe Car

The Cam Plate is spring loaded and will compress when wide Diesels or when a steam engine with low linkage goes by.   While this is a good workaround to activate the Giraffe car and allow larger engines through, I did not like the Idea of my linkages on some engines hitting the Cam Plate.  

I designed a lower, slightly wider cam plate for 3D printing.   It clears all my steam and diesel engines and there is a little flex to allow something a little wider or variances in tolerances.   It was done with PETG and .1mm layer height.  This one is for O track, not the lower O27.    In this picture I have it on both sides of the track.
actuator on track
Along with this I had to adjust the Cam follower on the Giraffe car  so it would ride a little lower.  I removed the raised contact on the one end.  About 5mm/.2" difference.   This dropped the follower about .1" in the front, allowing it work with my lower Cam Plate actuator.  Many of the pictures above show the Cam Follower with the lowered end. 

  short version
Lower cam follower going across the modified actuators. 

The Giraffe isn't all the way down, but good enough for what I want.    Step files are included if you want to modify the follower.   If lowered too much There may be other track side accessories that may not clear.   Contains 3D printed Actuator   .stl, .step. andLowered Cam Follower   .stl, .step
I used PETG and .1mm layer height and 3 profiles.

Last update Nan 22, 2025